Havoc 2.3 Official Redmi 4X

Rom name HAVOC OS

Rom status OFFICIAL | 2.3

Rom build 24 March 2019

Android Veraion PIE | 9.0

Maintainer @beingstargazer

• Added QS panel inspired by OOS
• Added Music ticker inspired by Android Q
• Added back the dividers in settings
• Added back Screen-off animation
• Added toggle to hide wifi icon
• Added new icon for Sim toolkit
• Added MD2 icons for power menu
• Improved expanded volume panel layout
• Improved and cleaned up Settings
• Fixed OnePlus gestures in landscape
• Fixed a few settings seekbars
• Fixed some theme glitches
• Fixed double vibration on pill navbar

Device Changelog:
• Added per-app thermal control (Optimisation Profiles)
• DarkPhoenix Kernel Upstreamed to .137
• Updated ant+, gatekeeper/keystore/keymaster, widewine & graphic blobs from TA-1024


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Havoc 2.3 Official Redmi 4X

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