Resurrection Remix V7.0.2 Official Redmi 4X

Ressurection Remix (RR)

Rom status OFFICIAL | v7.0.2 |
Android version 9.0 Pie
Maintainer @aswin_a_s
Rom build 13 May 2019

•  OP Gestures: Fix navbar detection and landscape mode
•  Introduce smart clock
• keyguard weather view
• Hide lockscreen items
• Introduce lockscreen clock/date styles
• Add sammy accent clock and a variant
• LS Clocks: Let's add a new gradients designs
• Lockscreen Clock Styles: Introduce Q style text clock
•  Implement Aggressive Battery
• GamingModeTile: stop adjusting volume
• allow to switch back to pre P mobile type icon style
• Add option to select brightness slider positon
• Introduce QS tile style picker
• Add 6 new QS Tile style
• Add Lockscreen album art filter
• QS: SystemUI: Add On-The-Go Tile
• Pocket lock improvements
• May Security Patch
• Source improvements &stuffs
• Dark Phoenix as default kernel
• Updated blobs from TA-1024 & tissot
• Selinux Enforcing
• Improvemed camera & USB configs
• Updated radio,sensor,display(graphics),modem blobs
• Updated powerhal
• Improved treble implementation
• Kernel : upstreamed to 3.18.139
• Kernel : enabled VDSO
• Kernel : f2fs updates
• Kernel : merged latest CAF tag
• Improved memory management ;-;

Special Thanks to @HarukeyUA

Bugs / unknwon issues
•greenish screen
•if u know more let me know in the comment


@resurrectionremixchat @ResurrectionRemixChannel

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