Evolution X 2.0 Official Redmi 4X

Rom name EVOLUTION X Non Treble
Rom status OFFICIAL | 2.0
Rom build 06 JUNE 2019
Android Version PIE | 9.0
Maintainer @ErrorNetwork28


• June security patch merged.
• Theming, icons and fonts improved.
• Google apps updated.
• Hide Statusbar on Lockscreen added.
• QS Panel transparency levels added.
• Only show BT icon when device is connected.
• Dual Channel added into Bluetooth Audio Channel Mode in dev options.
• QS detail view arrows added to QS toggles (WiFi, BT, Data, DND only).
• Fix OTA app theming issues.
• Add Battery saving mode toggle in Location settings.
• Add toggle to disable Data disabled indicator in status bar.

          Android Q Stuff

• Lockscreen Clock Styles added.
• Update network & internet and security & location icons in Settings app to match Q DP4.
• Add seekbar to media notifications.
• QS Panel adapted to Q style.
• Added icon to Private DNS in network & internet Settings.
• Add media info in keyguard slice.

Device side changelog:
• Changes are the same as for PE
• Added Gcam 3.5.2

•Edit Html crashed based webview
•Blue banner on bottom on fb lite
•let me know in the comment



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