AOSmP 1.0 stable Redmi 4X

AOSmP (Android Open Source Minimal Project)

Rom status STABLE 1.0
Android Version Pie | 9.0 | Non Treble
Miantainer @XXNine
Rom build 06 AUGUST 2019


• Android 9.0.0_r46
• Add Q accents color
• Add familiar brand color accents
• Update QS icons with correct outline style
• Sensor block per-package witch switch
• Add switch to change 3G in Suspended Actions
• Add toggle for show Weather on lockscreen
• Bring back less notification sounds
• Hardware keys customization support
• Use headline font for a lot of things
• Custom carrier label and carrier label placement
• Hide Statusbar on Lockscreen
• Add support for theming system switches
• Allow switch to pre P mobile icon style
• Status bar notification ticker
• HeadsUp: Blacklists, timeout, snooze, less boring heads up option
• Force Expanded Notifications
• Bring back to Lawnchair (Latest alpha)
• New wall, new bootanimation
• Use VoLTE icon from Asus Pie
• Full changelog in Settings-About
• More Spanish translations
• Moar improvements

• Bug with remap keys action, cant take screenshot
• check my youtube channel for appearances and sot

(Broken Link - File Deleted By Its Owner)

@AOSmP_group @AOSmP_Channel

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