Nitrogen OS Unofficial Redmi 4X

Nitrogen OS

Rom status UNOFFICIAL | 9.0 |  PIE | Nontreble
Maintainer @Bagas814
Rom build 8th August Build

• August Security Patch
• Full ROM Changelog
• Enable QC location NLP combo feature
• Move WCNSS service to late_start
• Enable Wi-Fi MAC randomization
• Update MPEG4 encoder max supported resolution
• Enable Qpower and deep sleep mode for power saving
• Addressed time_daemon denials
• Merge CAF tag "LA.UM.7.6.r1-05500-89xx.0'
• Merge Wlan Caf tag "LA.UM.7.6.r1-05500-89xx.0"


Credit :
Thanks to @HarukeyUA and all contributor in their's Trees
Thanks to @rainforce279 for kernel tree
Thanks to All Nangis For Anu


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